Monday, November 15, 2010

TheTruth Behind Fossils–File 788902

        Welcome to another exciting lesson on surrounding the truth of creation obscured by evolution. Today we're going to talk about Fossils. A fossil is something that is petrified over time that turned into rock. So there's three steps for creating a fossil:
          1. Rapid Death
Fossil of Ornithomimus-Drumheller Canada
courtesy of: Erick Trujillo
          2. Rapid Burial
          3. Rapid Pressure

Without these steps fossils are not formed. Another thing to remember also is when we find fossils they are never found with:
          A. A name tag telling us what it is.
          B. A sticker telling us how old it is.

People, according to their beliefs; according to their way of looking at things, they place the names and dates. 
courtesy of:
Now, if you look at the evolutionary diagram to your left, it tries to give you the idea that one-celled animals formed to multi-celled and different creatures that eventually evolve into man. "Now, that's a drawing it is not science."
So, in the evolutionary scale, we expect to see a small change throughout organisms until they reach new species. And you would expect to find these in the fossil record. As a creationist we believe in the Bible and we believe that there was a world-wide flood that occurred and therefore  created many fossils across the globe. So we would expect to find exact, distinct, species fossilized. That there won't be any intermediate or transitional connection between them.

There are no transitional fossils or any proof that evolution exists.
This is the end of Part 1. of The Truth Behind Fossils. Thank you for attending.  I will be looking forward for more lessons on the truth behind evolution. And remember, don't over-look things, always keep an open mind.

The Florida Sightings-File 788901

Illustration of Mosasaurus
courtesy of:

       Welcome! Today we are investigating the recent Florida sightings. Numerous allegedly "sea monster" sightings have driven the city of St. Augustine, Florida, into debating the seriousness of the matter. New extraordinary footage will prove a great deal of support in the discussion–if they are genuine. The creature is believed to have a bulky but streamlined torso obtaining four protruding flippers, a narrow snout and a long tail tapering off to an end. Now if we think about it, this marine going mystery actually appears to have the exact resemblance of a Mosasaurus. If you look at it from evolution's point of view, the mosasaurus is a long-extinct, marine reptile that lived in a time called the Cretaceous Period- "hundreds of millions of years ago."– "But wait, a marine reptile that has supposedly gone extinct 65 million years ago, has recently been sighted in Florida." If your asking yourself how this could be possible, then please turn with me if you will to Genesis 1:20, and it says here: "And god said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven." -Genesis 1:20  Now here, I believe, is when god created the whales, the fish, the sharks, he also created the birds that fly in the air. But he also created at that same instant the large marine reptiles and prehistoric flying reptiles. Now as creationists, we believe the earth is in fact much younger than scientists propose. We also believe that the extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by the biblical flood–and we'll go over this in another lesson, but as I was saying, some of these dinosaurs and prehistoric animals that survived–the ones that boarded Noah's Ark–could still, to this day, inhabit the earth. And that's what is so intriguing about this chapter, the true power and grace of god's word. Evolutionists have been wrong before, and it's best to keep an open-mind on this issue rather than over-look the hints in life which seek recognition by the corrupted world of today.
And that ends our lesson today on the truth behind evolution and creation, I'll be looking forward to many more fascinating and informing lessons to come. Thanks and God bless you. – Erick Trujillo, November, 15, 2010